Conversational English
Level: This course is the most popular choice for those who wish to improve their English in a more immediate and practical way. It is highly recommended for those who posses an Intermediate or Advanced level.
Goals: To help the student increase their communication skills, both in their production of the language as well as their comprehension of others. This course is complementary to years of studying Grammar in which the student can finally put their English knowledge together to express themselves more fluently. Note! Although the main idea is to improve their ability to orally express themselves, it is also possible to review any grammar concepts. This is determined based on the frequent or consistent errors made by the student. |
Nivell: El curs més escollit per les persones que volen una millora pràctica i immediata. Especialment recomanat per alumnes de nivell Intermediate i Advanced.
Objectius: Es tracta de fer que l'alumne millori la seva capacitat de comunicació, tant pel que fa la creació com la capacitat de fer-se entendre. Aquest curs és una mena de contrapès a tots els anys d'estudi de gramàtica, i suposa el moment de posar realment en pràctica tots els coneixements acumulats. Nota! Tot i que es tracta de millorar la creació oral, també es fa repàs d'alguns conceptes gramaticals, basats en els errors mès usuals comesos per l'alumne. |