Distance Learning
Keep up with your learning, whether you live in Girona or anywhere else in the world. Girona English's experience has demonstrated that online learning is effective in reaching your language goals!
English learning online has definitely grown in popularity. The necessity to continue growing regardless of where you live has opened our eyes to all the tools that makes it possible.
In addition to being able to participate more actively with a native American teacher, many other dedicated educators have shared their own helpful material for English as a Second Language (ESL) learners to practice freely and at your own speed. That's why we invite you to follow us on LinkedIn! The online practice materials vary across all levels and ages. |
L’aprenentatge d’anglès en línia ha augmentat definitivament en popularitat. La necessitat de continuar creixent a pesar d'on vius ens ha obert els ulls a totes les eines que ho fa possible.
A més de poder participar més activament amb una professora nativa americana, molts altres educadors dedicats han compartit el seu propi material útil perquè els estudiants d’anglès com a segon idioma (ESL) puguin practicar lliurement i a la seva velocitat. Per tant, et convidem a participar amb nosaltres via LinkedIn! Els materials estàn variats per tots el nivells i les edats. |
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